Tonight marks the debut of a television show, called Elementary, based on the characters and adventures from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes” detective stories. It’s just the latest in a series of recent adaptations, from the 2009 movie starring Robert Downey Jr., to the BBC’s Sherlock, which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and co-starred Martin Freeman (Tim from The Office).
The most interesting twist about this latest effort is Lucy Liu’s portrayal of a female Dr. Watson.
“The only research I did was actually reading the literature,” Liu said in an interview aired on NPR. “When you read it, it’s so current, it doesn’t feel like it was written in the 1800’s. You feel like you really are reading something that’s fresh and funny and you know why it’s in movies and television and people are constantly trying to bring back these characters, because they’re fascinating. They’re unique.”
All this to say that I’d highly recommend doing the same research as Liu. And, guess what? Many of the Sherlock Holmes stories — like the other books I recommended recently — are free for the Kindle. Here are a few of the fascinating tales I’ve read recently:
1. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
3. His Last Bow
And many more….
P.S. Who knew Dr. House‘s character was based on Sherlock Holmes? Totally makes sense, now that I think about it.
I had no idea about House! But you’re right it does make so much sense! It’s LUPUS, Watson, lupus!
I am curious to see this new one, Lucy Liu is always great to watch!
I’ve watched a couple of episodes so far and enjoyed it but I don’t know if it’s going to be a “must watch” for me. So far so good, though. I loved House but also wasn’t “hooked” — I think it would be a great show to watch on Netflix or Amazon or similar.